Monday, December 30, 2013

Thoughts on Like Crazy

I just found this in my drafts- I wrote this a few weeks ago but, being the scatterbrained human I am, somehow forgot to publish it.  Here it is now!

To get a basic summary of Like Crazy, watch this trailer:

Here's what I thought about the film:
I was looking for a feel-good film and this did not fit that description. However, I am very glad that I did see it because although it made me feel all sad and sort of empty inside it was also very beautiful.

The movie was bittersweet, as it had uplifting and happy moments that had me smiling and feeling urges to go hug strangers on the street intertwined with scenes that made me want to weep and throw whatever I was currently snacking on at my TV screen while singing the Anne Hathaway version of I Dreamed a Dream.

The movie has such a simple premise and an extremely small budget, yet a Sundance Festival-winning film came out of it through the strong performances and the excellent way that it was shot and put together. Felicity Jones stood out in particular to me.  She managed to portray vulnerability and eagerness and aspiration in a way that not many actresses could pull off.

I did not know this until after watching it, but the script was extremely minimalistic and the vast majority of the film dialogue was improvised. Wow.

This movie will not make you sob your heart out, although it is emotional.  It will not make you elated, although its lighthearted moments may inspire and touch you. I do definitely recommend Like Crazy so long as you do not make my mistake and expect a simple feel-good movie- it's much more complex and better than that.

"I thought I understood it, that I could grasp it. But I didn't, not really. Only the smudgeness of it; the pink-slippered, all-containered, semi-precious eagerness of it. I didn't realize it would sometimes be more than whole, that the wholeness was a rather luxurious idea. Because it's the halves that halve you in half. I didn't know, don't know, about the in-between bits; the gory bits of you, and the gory bits of me."  -Anna, Like Crazy