The film I ended up watching barely scratched my optimistic expectations. The acting was mediocre at its best- what the cast possessed in good looks was apparently overcompensation for skill (coughcoughTheoJamescoughcough- yes he was attractive, no he was not a good thesp). The performances did not feel genuine. Perhaps this was partially the fault of poor characterization that was carried over from the (inappropriately and needlessly) popular series.
The main character, Tris, was sightly less of a drag in the movie than she was in the books (thank you Shailene Woodley). Nonetheless, I soon tired of her. And Tris and Four had very, very minimal onscreen chemistry. Not that they seemed to have any in the books. I personally find the relationship between Four and Tris to be somewhat alarming. The following is an actual quote from Divergent:
"'My first instinct is to push you until you break, just to see how hard I have to press.'" he says, his fingers squeezing at the word break. My body tenses at the edge in his voice, so I am coiled as tight as a spring, and I forget to breathe."

Also: I cannot be the only one who finds the entire premise of the books to be ridiculous. Being Divergent simply means that you can have multiple personality traits. A person can be- get this- both honest and selfless. Or both reckless and smart. Mind blowing. Being Divergent is really an innovative conecept.

As the only teenager alive with common sense when it comes to Divergent, I urge you, kind world citizen and potential movie-goer, to skip this film. If two roads (leading to different theaters) diverge, choose the road not taken and avoid Divergent.
(That was a Robert Frost joke, by the way. Deliberate humor. ANOTHER thing the film lacked. Although there was a good deal of unintentional humor.)