Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Painting :)

So I've rediscovered another one of my methods to put off doing homework until the last moment possible- painting!
I've been doing watercolor for as long as I can remember.  My grandfather, a professional watercolorist,   used to let me play in his studio whenever I visited.  Vividly I remember arguing with my sisters as to who got to paint first; being the oldest I often was able to claim the stool before they could reach it.  Under my grandfather's guidance I would sketch out a little drawing before proceeding to my favorite part, being the actual paint.  Adding color to the little world I had just created on paper was just so exciting....

Today my family was out and the weather was just so lovely that I decided that there was nothing to do but paint.  I never claim to be a good painter, but I enjoy it immensely.  Pulling out my paintbrush and palette brings me back to the days of painting with my grandfather, making it bittersweet (but less bitter and more sweet usually).  And although I'm not a particularly skilled artist, I just love painting.  I love the feeling of  creating something.  Creativity makes me feel closer and unified with the world around me, and most importantly, myself.  If anyone is reading this and having a bad day, GO PAINT! Or take a bike ride! Or play the violin! Whatever makes you happy:)


People (me included) need to do more things that make them happy.  A break from stress is always so nice to have.  I know I have exams coming up, but rather than crazily studying, I am outdoors painting and blogging (wait is that a good thing actually? Maybe I should be studying... but you get the point). (I use to many parentheses- sorry- but they're so much fun)
A haphazard little workspace- yes the foot is a part of it

This photo seemed a lot more interesting when I was taking it...

So this little guy decided to model for me- what an angel 0:)

Quick pansy sketch.... if you squint you can sort of see it.... look really hard....

Yayyy for functionally disorderly workplaces!!! (It's a nice way of saying messy)

Later on I painted my favorite song lyrics to "Young And Beautiful" by Lana Del Rey on a piece of paper because it was stuck in my head and I was sick of painting flowers and statues. 
**in beautiful dramatic voice** WILL YOU STILL NEED ME WHEN I HAVE NOTHING BUT MY ACHING SOUL? I really like the phrase "aching soul"

As I packed up my paints, I ended up pondering: Why do I have so many acrylic tubes when i barely ever do acrylic?! I don't even know HOW to properly paint acrylic... 

Yet i have two shelves in my paintbox dedicated to them.  Where did i even get these?! Sigh.  Mysteries of my life.

So this concludes a very long, hopefully not too dull post on my painting excursion.  I'm starting to really like this blog thing.  Typity typity type...

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