Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Questions/An Intro of Sorts

The question has been asked since preschool.  What do you want to be when you grow up? My original answer, fairy princess (naturally), has changed through the years.  It has evolved through marine biologist, CIA Agent, and actress.  These career ideas have mostly been inspired by books I have encountered and devoured.  I think I would love to see my words devoured by the world someday.

Now, when asked what I want to be when I "grow up" (not quite sure if that'll ever happen- adulthood seems so dull), I tend to say author.  But as Charlie puts it: "I really wanna be a writer but I don't know what I'd write about."

What do I want to write about? What am I, an absentminded teenager, doing with a blog?
The answer: I don't know.  Life is strange and beautiful and such a confusing tangle of emotions and ideas and I don't know how we stay afloat.  But we do.  So I'm going to blog/rant.

(Wow this post doesn't even make any sense... Oh well.)

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