Monday, July 1, 2013


For my birthday I received Darren Criss concert tickets. Who is Darren Criss? He's an extremely attractive human being with the most gorgeous voice and face and hair and a whole ton of talent.

Darren is this guy on Glee
And this guy in the viral YouTube hit A Very Potter Musical

And overall just a really lovely person. Naturally, when I heard he was going on a solo tour, I had to go see him!

So I arrived at the venue about two hours early, thinking we would be some of the first people there.  I was wrong.  Apparently, fans had been lined up for about five hours, in the rain.  I felt like a very undedicated fan, but oh well, I got in line and waited for the doors to open.
Finally, when we got in, we rushed to the front of the room, trying to get as close to the stage as possible.  I was shocked, despite the large number of teenage girls who were ahead in line, we were still able to get super close to where Darren would shortly be standing. Ahhhh!!! The excitement began!!!

After a lot of standing and waiting and calf cramps the first warmup act took to the stage.  They were a violin duo from Brooklyn, and surprisingly really good! Then came Darren's old college bestie who played a very long, but enjoyable, set.

FINALLY, my future husband emerged from the wings and made it to the stage.  The whole crowd of crazed teen girls went nuts, naturally.  He opened with a version of Circle of Life, yes the song from the Lion King.  He came out like a little Simba, finally exposed to the adoring crowd of his followers.

If I had any doubts about how good he would sound live, they were instantly squelched.  Oh my Rowling if anything, Darren sounded even better in person.  All the songs he sang were perfectly chosen and executed. My favorite was probably Teenage Dream, a classic cover of his.  He started it all soft and quiet on the piano with some violin background, then jumped up and finished on guitar.  Sometimes he gets really emotional during that song, and I couldn't tell whether he was crying or just really sweaty.   I made actual eye contact with him twice.  I think we had a moment.

Darren went off on a few little (curse-filled) rants (so glad my dad got to hear that; literally Darren's first sentence was "It's so f***ing hot in here!") and he got all adorable and philosophical.  He talked about how he feels so connected to others because of the internet and television, yet at the same time there's always a screen between him and the viewer.  Which is why he likes playing live for people. He went on for a bit about how proud he was to be an American after the recent supreme court rulings in California.  He also talked about how sexy is just another word for confidence, and his hopes that people can just be confident being who they are.  I really like just hearing him speak, it's magical. 

The whole show, in fact, was magical.  I'll go back and add in some pictures I took when I get around to uploading them, but for now just trust me that he was beautiful.  Of course, he ended with Circle of Life as well.  You can't start with it and not end with it.  It's a circle.  Of life.  Anyways, I'm still on cloud nine and I've been wearing my T-shirt with his face on it every chance I get.  It makes me feel so close to him<3

 When my fiance left the stage he yelled "I love you all!" WELL I LOVE YOU BACK DARREN! 

Hope you all have a lovely week!

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