Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Emotion (and how mine is constantly toyed with)

Sob. I am gone.
About ten minutes ago I finished series two of the fantastic show Doctor Who, which meant the departure of one of my favorite characters and the ending of a beautiful relationship.  I think I might look more distraught than I get post-Notebook. Why oh why must fictional characters and scenarios move me so much? Logically, they have not ever existed.  So why do I care so much about what happens to them? If emotion is so painful, why do we choose to care at all?

Emotion is something that really fascinates me.  In general, culture tells us to mask our feelings.  Expressing a profusion of emotion in public is frowned upon.  If you know me, chances are very high that you've seen me cry on at least one occasion.  As an individual I am just awful at hiding emotion.  Many people wear their hearts on their sleeves, I wear mine on my face.  Which has its disadvantages.  But if we try and disassociate ourselves with our own emotions it only makes us seem like rocks rather than humans.  Although expressing emotion is seen to be weak, I think it really just makes you stronger as a person.  Sometimes the energy just needs to be released and expressed, whether through words or tears. 

A little while ago, my friend posed to me an interesting question: Would I rather the entire world be eternally happy or keep things the way they are? Instinctually, I said I would make the world happy.  Then I thought about it, and changed my mind.  There is something beautiful about pain, because to have pain means that you cared.  Something of yourself was invested, otherwise it could not have hurt.  And I believe that you can never have true happiness without also having experienced agony.  The contrast is what makes the bliss so wonderful.  

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