Friday, June 28, 2013

Blenderized Bananas

Today I made the decision to not follow any set recipe and liquify some fruit.
I'm trying to be on a bit of a healthy eating streak, which for me means less processed things and more raw, wholesome foods. The other day I was at Starbucks and got a smoothie thing in attempt to make a healthy decision.  It was packed with all sorts of fruits and a few vegetables, and I decided I could imitate it at home!

I looked for a recipe online, but the ones I found required ingredients I was unwilling to get up and go to the store for.  So I improvised! Yay! That could only go well, right? Sort of.

To begin, I put a banana and two apples in a blender and mixed it together.  The result was a very unappetizing and lumpy goop.  When in doubt, I tend to throw more things in.  After rooting through the freezer, I managed to procure some frozen peaches, which I dumped in.  This turned the mixture orange, how thrilling.  Mostly because I am not fond of the color orange, I put in a cup or so of strawberries. Magically, the blender turned a very lovely shade of pink.  I finally deemed the mixture ready to be tasted.  Bracing myself for the worst, I boldly thrust my spoon into the blender.  I then bravely brought the utensil cradling my concoction to my lips.

I was pleasantly surprised, it tasted great! The consistency is somewhere between a juice and a smoothie.  I have created a smuice. And it was super filling.  All that it's comprised of is fruit, so it's rather healthy as well.  Yay for experimentation! I'll call it Bapple Pawberry Smuice.

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