Friday, June 28, 2013

Blenderized Bananas

Today I made the decision to not follow any set recipe and liquify some fruit.
I'm trying to be on a bit of a healthy eating streak, which for me means less processed things and more raw, wholesome foods. The other day I was at Starbucks and got a smoothie thing in attempt to make a healthy decision.  It was packed with all sorts of fruits and a few vegetables, and I decided I could imitate it at home!

I looked for a recipe online, but the ones I found required ingredients I was unwilling to get up and go to the store for.  So I improvised! Yay! That could only go well, right? Sort of.

To begin, I put a banana and two apples in a blender and mixed it together.  The result was a very unappetizing and lumpy goop.  When in doubt, I tend to throw more things in.  After rooting through the freezer, I managed to procure some frozen peaches, which I dumped in.  This turned the mixture orange, how thrilling.  Mostly because I am not fond of the color orange, I put in a cup or so of strawberries. Magically, the blender turned a very lovely shade of pink.  I finally deemed the mixture ready to be tasted.  Bracing myself for the worst, I boldly thrust my spoon into the blender.  I then bravely brought the utensil cradling my concoction to my lips.

I was pleasantly surprised, it tasted great! The consistency is somewhere between a juice and a smoothie.  I have created a smuice. And it was super filling.  All that it's comprised of is fruit, so it's rather healthy as well.  Yay for experimentation! I'll call it Bapple Pawberry Smuice.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Missed Mornings and Mail

So far, I've had a rather nice day!
Last night I could NOT FALL ASLEEP until after 2am. I have this problem from time to time, I think that my issue yesterday was that I went for a run around 9, which must have made my body think "Time to be awake and energetic!" So I'll be limiting my evening runs from now on.  Anyways, I slept until about 11. I NEVER sleep that long, I hate waking up late.  It always makes me feel like I've missed too much of the day. I stayed in my pajamas until around one, when I went for a walk with a friend.  We planned on filming some sort of movie, although we were unsure what exactly.  By the end, all that was actually caught on camera was a panning shot of some trees and a video of me doing a cartwheel.  I was in a dress.  Being the person I am, I wore my beloved rainbow zebra print spandex underneath it, so I can actually move and twirl and cartwheel without fear of exposing anything.

I absolutely adore mail! My uncle sent me a novel from one of his clients, and I was so excited to receive it in the post! The book is The Fifth Wave, and so far it is fantastic albeit haunting.  I'm always skeptical of the whole dystopian/apocalyptic young adult book, although this one seems promising.  It's sort of Hunger Games-esque, with a sixteen year old girl doing whatever it takes to survive an alien invasion.  Naturally she falls in love and has to have that whole inner conflict about accepting vulnerability and trust and all that jazz.  I'm eight chapters into it, so I'll review it when I'm done! Oh and it smells like a bookstore.  As I read it I hold it close to my nose so I can experience the wonderful new book odor.  I am a strange individual.

And now it's raining! Time to snuggle up and read some more before I have to go babysit some mildly unpleasant children...

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Review: Stardust

There is nothing I love more than a good fairy tale.  Which is why I was so impressed by the novel Stardust by Neil Gaiman.
The book was overall a great read.  It follows the tale of Tristran, a half-fairy boy growing up in a small, mundane town.  Tristran falls in love with what he believes to be the most beautiful girl in existence. She has no interest in him, although she promises to give him whatever he desires if he brings her back a fallen star.  This sends Tristran off on a journey to find the star and return it to his unrequited love.
Meanwhile, a trio of witches are searching for a way to remain youthful.  They plan to locate the star as well and eat her heart. Naturally, Tristran and the star are not too keen on this plan.
 The star is probably my favorite character in the novel.  She is headstrong and spirited, and I love that the author made her into a person rather than an object.  As a character she is much more interesting and compelling. I also thought that the romance was portrayed well.  You see several different forms of it: quick and passionate, longing and rejection, gradual and pure.  It's not exclusively a love story, although there is a lot of love.
It's so rare that I come across a fantasy novel written for young adults, and I'm glad to have stumbled upon this one. Stardust had a nice blend of whimsicality and wit, and I definitely recommend to anyone and everyone!

Bored! So I'll ramble

"People who are often bored are boring themselves."
Great.  Guess I must be one of the dullest humans on the planet then.
I have a very short attention span most of the time.  I do my very best to push past this and really concentrate every once in a while although this rarely works.  This is why I don't actually study.  Today I have been crazily bored with everything for no reason I can pinpoint.  I've been walking around the house in my Stotes T-shirt with my hair in a knot atop my head doing very little. I can't focus enough to read, I tried cleaning my room but lost interest, I've lost patience with the gorgeous vintage super eight camera I have inherited (more about that later!). I began an ongoing list of Things I Lose, but didn't feel like finishing it (you could say I lost enthusiasm- get it? It's a list of things I lose and I lost something while working on it.  Hahaha I am so not funny).

Things I Am Often At A Loss For:
  • Patience
  • Attention
  • Lipbalm
  • Words
  • Pencils (so I stick them in my hair sometimes, although then I forget that I put them there)
  • Time
And that was all I came up with. Yay.

I did make my first entry in that beautiful blue notebook I wrote about earlier.  I started working on a piece that's been in my mind awhile, and it was nice to finally put it on paper.  Writing in a brand new notebook always makes me a bit hesitant.  I'm nervous I'll mess up its blank beauty.  That's the story of my life sometimes: I want to say or do something, but I'm worried it'll ruin whatever peace or relationship is currently there. Once I started writing, the uncertainty left, and I'm glad I decided to begin.

In other extremely random news: I realized today that my bulletin board of Emma Watson pictures and clippings from newspapers and magazines has begun to resemble a shrine. I do not know how I feel about this.

Sorry for wasting your time with this blather of a post, I'll write a better one soon, most likely complete with a picture of my Emma temple for your viewing pleasure!

Me now in my bored frenzy:

Also: I am almost at 200 views, yay! (Rather pathetic) blogging milestone!

Friday, June 21, 2013


FINALLY school is done.  I am now successfully one year closer to escaping the prison walls surrounding high school.  YAY.
How have I been spending my first few days of freedom? A fair bit was spent brainstorming what to do for the rest of the summer. I really do enjoy creating lists. Also, I got a new notebook and it is beautiful and blank and just waiting for me to begin writing in it.  New journals are so exciting, they are just canvases waiting for you to splash fragments of your mind upon.
In other random news, I have seriously committed to my relationship with The Complete Sherlock Holmes.  We are spending a lot of time together and we make  very happy coupling.  Summer is so nice because I can read all I want (which is basically nonstop).  This summer I definitely want to read a bunch of classics, I have a running list of the ones I want to tackle when I finish Sherlock Holmes.
I am in the process of trying to perform the miracle that is transforming my ungainly, sluggish gait into that of a girl who can compete in cross country races.  I'm up to three miles a day and slowly bettering myself.  Running is a surprisingly nice mental outlet for me, and although it is rather sweaty and uncomfortable, I am enjoying it!

Hope all of your summers are off to a lovely start! x

Monday, June 17, 2013

And a lovely end to the day

I took myself for an evening run and it was just lovely- the air had cooled down considerably and it was beautiful and tranquil outside. Also, this was the first time in forever that I completed a considerable distance at a nice pace with a large hill and felt in control and not too out of shape- yay! I am actually so happy right now.  I think I've found my new favorite tension reliever.


I am in an odd mood.
I feel like doing absolutely nothing although I am extremely restless. And I just sorta feel irrational.  Blah.  I didn't know what to do with myself so I painted my hedgehog with sparkly Mod Podge (for all of you who don't know what sparkly Mod Podge is, it's a magical substance that combines my loves of glitter and decoupage and makes me very very happy) which I enjoyed.

I was feeling a tad lonely so I made myself a little friend.  His name is Alvin and he is a very good listener an companion. Alvin never complains and does exactly what I say without any doubt or hesitation. Expect a wedding invitation in the mail any day now.

Two rather lovely dresses came into my possession today as well.
One was this dress, it's a nice summery one
The other is this one, and I really love the style of it.  Amidst my mild crabbiness I have been wearing this about the house since it's so cool and light. 
So yes. That is what has been going on with me. Back to my book and Nutella jar....

Sunday, June 16, 2013


Yesterday two awesome things happened to me.
The first was completing Run or Dye with my friend and my sister, it was quite the experience!

The second was being less than five feet away from the fabulous Bethany Hamilton.  She was even nicer and prettier (and taller- turns out she's almost six feet tall) than I thought she would be! I got some low-quality photos of her walking by. She also gave a truly inspirational presentation, I'm so thrilled I was able to see her in person.

Then today, for Father's Day, I went out in a double with my dad as an attempt to learn how to scull.  I caught no less than 11 crabs, two with my left oar and nine with my right. (For all of you non-rowers: Catching a crab is when you place your oar in the water oddly and it gets stuck below the surface and wrenches your arm and you need to stop and yank on it until it comes back out again.  Can happen during a race. Very painful/annoying.  Also, quite entertaining ejector crabs exist.) After the row I took some pictures.
(sidenote: the interior of the boathouse is very nice and the site of my pending Sweet Sixteen)

So yes, I had a rather enjoyable weekend. And tomorrow is my last day of school! Yay! One year closer to graduation/escape...

Friday, June 14, 2013

Things I Really Like Today

How my dog thinks he's a cheetah

Rediscovered dresses....

that end up being a similar style to Allie's in The Notebook

Spotting Emma Watson (she's on the poster on the door)

Being told I was looking artsy in a photo where I was putting my hair in a bun

Looking at Roman Holiday stills

Having imperfect but natural eyebrows

Cute couples, human and animal 

Finding little plastic hedgehogs!

Plastic hedgehog kisses 

I am very studious

Yesterday I had off of school because no exams! Yipee! So I really put in a lot of hard work.

I studied for French

I counted pigeons for math

I thought long and hard about the history of these rain boots (we've been through a lot)

Most importantly, I got brilliant advice from a rundown pickup truck, I need to just relax and forget about exams 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Letters to the Future

I've always been too impatient to keep a time capsule.  I want it to be a surprise when I finally open it, but if I stop thinking about it I'll surely forget.
Today I found the website, where you write an email to your future self.  A date is set where the email will be sent to you.  I wrote one that will be sent to me near the end of my senior year of high school (random: for some reason I just typed fish school), so that will be fun to receive later on.

One of the things I love about journaling is that later on, I am able to go back and see what I was thinking about on a certain day (although my sixth grade entries are rather painful to read....) However, it can seem sort of pointless at times.  When writing in it, sometimes I feel like I'm writing a letter to nobody, which feels strange.

On tumblr, blogs like offer a place for people to write anonymous letters to Charlie, the protagonist in the book The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky.  I find it interesting to look through these and see what people are going through and thinking about.

Blogging is a fun way to share opinions and such with whoever bothers to read it! It's not a total safe haven like my journals, although I feel like I'm putting something into the world that wasn't there before.  

Monday, June 10, 2013

Indoor Playtime

It's raining, it's pouring, the little Addie is dancing with joy!
Rainy days are the BEST I don't get why people are so opposed to them.  Really, there's so much to do. Sure I'd love to be outside with my new paints (love you Kyleen) but indoor activities are fun as well!

Listen to something soothing but lovely.  I agree wholeheartedly with the suggestion of Of Monsters and Men made by miss Margot here, it's very nice.  Another favorite of mine is Ingrid Michaelson. Basically anything emitted from her glorious vocal chords is amazing.  

Pretend you're Hermione Granger.  Because who doesn't want to be Hermione?!

Declutter your desktop.  You may find some real gems that you don't really know what they are, but don't want to delete. 

Watch a movie.  My little sister's friend just told me that I looked like Princess Mia from Princess Diaries.  I got all excited, then realized she was referring to this.
Still, it's Anne Hathaway...

Play dress up, why not? 

Eat.  Lots and lots of food. I had like 3 bagels today. Is that healthy? Nope :)

So yeah. A less artsy, more silly take on rainy day fun.

Terrifying Fascinations

Life is a scary thing, but it's also very interesting.  I come across things that I find scary, yet so absorbing.  And I'm bored in  French so I'm making a list of this.

1. Alligators/Crocodilles
They are so scary but just so cool....

2. Sharks

3.  Public Transportation

Great for people watching, but makes me a little uneasy

4. Irene Adler
Irene is one scary girl, but she's really intelligent and awesome too

5. Bellatrix Lestrange
Bellatrix is CRAZY and SCARY but somehow I LOVE HER

6. Mountain Climbing
I want to do this so badly..... 

7.  Social Gatherings
I am a typical introvert in the sense that sometimes I dread social experiences,  but they can be fun too.....

8. Psycho 

This movie was really really good!! Too bad I had to watch it through my fingers... 

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Dog Days

The weather was lovely today, so I went on a walk nearby with my family.
I brought my camera along, although this little guy was opposed to me taking any pictures and grabbed my camera strap.

He didn't want me to get up, either. 

We all had a nice walk, or rather, the humans did.  Puppies tend to have two speeds.

                                  And run. 

We ended up swinging by the store as well...