Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Bored! So I'll ramble

"People who are often bored are boring themselves."
Great.  Guess I must be one of the dullest humans on the planet then.
I have a very short attention span most of the time.  I do my very best to push past this and really concentrate every once in a while although this rarely works.  This is why I don't actually study.  Today I have been crazily bored with everything for no reason I can pinpoint.  I've been walking around the house in my Stotes T-shirt with my hair in a knot atop my head doing very little. I can't focus enough to read, I tried cleaning my room but lost interest, I've lost patience with the gorgeous vintage super eight camera I have inherited (more about that later!). I began an ongoing list of Things I Lose, but didn't feel like finishing it (you could say I lost enthusiasm- get it? It's a list of things I lose and I lost something while working on it.  Hahaha I am so not funny).

Things I Am Often At A Loss For:
  • Patience
  • Attention
  • Lipbalm
  • Words
  • Pencils (so I stick them in my hair sometimes, although then I forget that I put them there)
  • Time
And that was all I came up with. Yay.

I did make my first entry in that beautiful blue notebook I wrote about earlier.  I started working on a piece that's been in my mind awhile, and it was nice to finally put it on paper.  Writing in a brand new notebook always makes me a bit hesitant.  I'm nervous I'll mess up its blank beauty.  That's the story of my life sometimes: I want to say or do something, but I'm worried it'll ruin whatever peace or relationship is currently there. Once I started writing, the uncertainty left, and I'm glad I decided to begin.

In other extremely random news: I realized today that my bulletin board of Emma Watson pictures and clippings from newspapers and magazines has begun to resemble a shrine. I do not know how I feel about this.

Sorry for wasting your time with this blather of a post, I'll write a better one soon, most likely complete with a picture of my Emma temple for your viewing pleasure!

Me now in my bored frenzy:

Also: I am almost at 200 views, yay! (Rather pathetic) blogging milestone!

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