Sunday, June 16, 2013


Yesterday two awesome things happened to me.
The first was completing Run or Dye with my friend and my sister, it was quite the experience!

The second was being less than five feet away from the fabulous Bethany Hamilton.  She was even nicer and prettier (and taller- turns out she's almost six feet tall) than I thought she would be! I got some low-quality photos of her walking by. She also gave a truly inspirational presentation, I'm so thrilled I was able to see her in person.

Then today, for Father's Day, I went out in a double with my dad as an attempt to learn how to scull.  I caught no less than 11 crabs, two with my left oar and nine with my right. (For all of you non-rowers: Catching a crab is when you place your oar in the water oddly and it gets stuck below the surface and wrenches your arm and you need to stop and yank on it until it comes back out again.  Can happen during a race. Very painful/annoying.  Also, quite entertaining ejector crabs exist.) After the row I took some pictures.
(sidenote: the interior of the boathouse is very nice and the site of my pending Sweet Sixteen)

So yes, I had a rather enjoyable weekend. And tomorrow is my last day of school! Yay! One year closer to graduation/escape...

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