Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Missed Mornings and Mail

So far, I've had a rather nice day!
Last night I could NOT FALL ASLEEP until after 2am. I have this problem from time to time, I think that my issue yesterday was that I went for a run around 9, which must have made my body think "Time to be awake and energetic!" So I'll be limiting my evening runs from now on.  Anyways, I slept until about 11. I NEVER sleep that long, I hate waking up late.  It always makes me feel like I've missed too much of the day. I stayed in my pajamas until around one, when I went for a walk with a friend.  We planned on filming some sort of movie, although we were unsure what exactly.  By the end, all that was actually caught on camera was a panning shot of some trees and a video of me doing a cartwheel.  I was in a dress.  Being the person I am, I wore my beloved rainbow zebra print spandex underneath it, so I can actually move and twirl and cartwheel without fear of exposing anything.

I absolutely adore mail! My uncle sent me a novel from one of his clients, and I was so excited to receive it in the post! The book is The Fifth Wave, and so far it is fantastic albeit haunting.  I'm always skeptical of the whole dystopian/apocalyptic young adult book, although this one seems promising.  It's sort of Hunger Games-esque, with a sixteen year old girl doing whatever it takes to survive an alien invasion.  Naturally she falls in love and has to have that whole inner conflict about accepting vulnerability and trust and all that jazz.  I'm eight chapters into it, so I'll review it when I'm done! Oh and it smells like a bookstore.  As I read it I hold it close to my nose so I can experience the wonderful new book odor.  I am a strange individual.

And now it's raining! Time to snuggle up and read some more before I have to go babysit some mildly unpleasant children...

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